if you could be a superhero/supervillain, what would your powers, name, strengths, weaknesses, and motives be?
Name: I don’t even wanna try at this because anything I think of will be as cheesy af.
Powers: Electrokinesis, Flight, Super Speed, Teleportation, cross-universe travel , telepathy, getting a power from the power system of whatever universe I am currently in
Strengths: Close combat, strategy
Weaknesses, Slow recovery rate
Motives: I would travel across universes and try to help the people of that universe by telling them things, saving people, and preventing villains from becoming villains in the first place.
name - your nextdoor cousin
strengths - i am the storm that is approaching
weaknesses -
motives - you a dream stan bro
w post
i wear a mask with a smile for hours at a time
Reminds of this one character I created who went from powerless and fighting with a sword to becoming almost omnipotent and having control over time and space and is able to hop between any universe, basically becoming one of the most powerful people among all universes. Still lives life like a regular person tho
since you can create any subtsance you can also recreate whatever abnormalities allow for everyone else’s abilities once you know how to integrate it
No worm regeneration. 4/10
Name: dunno tbh
Power: Absolute/Supernatural Body
(User’s speed, strength, durability, biology, stamina, regeneration, and intelligence are boosted/enhanced to supernatural OR godlike and limitless levels.)
Weaknesses: psychic abilities prob
Motive: being a supehero is fun
Name: idk what should I be called
Power: it mimics whatever they can do, essentially fights are mostly about doing crap they didn’t think of
weaknesses: the enemy having a self detrimental ability
motive: someone has to do it? it would probably pay alright
probability manipulation: increase or decrease the chance of something could or couldnt happen
none because im suck at naming
i have no strengths
shtty endurance
and strawberry
personal fun.
Cool trello.
Powers: you let me chose this, why the fuck would I not choose Omnipotence?
Name: Choosing your own name always comes out edgy, never choose your own name
Strength: yes
Weaknesses: no
Motive: wiping out all dream stans, femboys, cringe Twittards and e-girls. Erase their existence and save everyone from the cringe that they brought unto humanity
not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed