Vetex, let's make a deal

Alright, I propose that if someone reaches level 10K in wom2, you will bless us with some content (anything)

Idk I just love wom and this probably won’t happen. Anyway, deal?

aren’t we getting more content anyways?

Probably means for wom2

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but nobody really plays WoM2 anymore

For the few of us that have stayed. I mean no one is gonna get it, but if it does I hope vetex does something about it. I’m sure he isn’t expecting anyone to reach level 10K

Lets make this reach him, I we want content!



Vs average


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Patience is key

If someone makes level 10,000 in WOM Vetex has to make a One Piece or Hunter X Hunter game after AO’s development.

No… I’m key.

He should just remove the level cap to items completely but content is not gonna happen no matter what, if AS is done for then WoM is done for

no deal?