Even then it doesn’t make much sense cause if we were to be able to wear vanity of other magics then people would know that just because someone has a magic emblem on their chest doesn’t mean that they use that magic. That’s practically the same as just wearing non-arcanium vanity right now.
me when my magic doesn’t fit my drip or visually sucks ass but at all but I still like it:
Like, I run a fucking lightning-wind mage with orangish-reddish drip, fucking copper metal arcanium armor fits with my character’s lore and color scheme better, but I still like lightning. Also what if some colors of magics get absolutely done dirty by the arcanium armor they’re given in their eyes? Should they just live with the fact that they’ll always have cover it up with vanity?
Also, what if they run the magic that they’re currently using because the other magic sucks or they dislike the playstyle of the other magic, but still like the other magic in general. Like, I dislike using heavy magics in combat, but I still like their drip. People shouldn’t have to base their color schemes off their magics, some edgy shadow mage could get away with running purple poison arcanium and purple outfit, why should they be gatekeeped from that?
I mean, I kinda like the look of the normal magma Arcanium armor
Bright orange can look really good if you try hard enough
because it’s not just a coat of paint, the colours have a meaning
It is vanity. If people gave a shit about the “meaning” of their armor they wouldn’t use vanity in the first place.
it’s the item itself that has meaning
what the hell are you going on about???
this is devolving into incomprehensible delusional rambling on your end, snap out of it.
nuh uh, my opinion is firm, if someone wants to be surrounded by a magic then i don’t see why they wouldn’t want to use it if they like that much
I’m going to put this to you as straight as I possibly can:
nobody cares that you don’t understand why they’d want to wear a different color, because if you were right in how people “should” think then there’d be other people here other people agreeing with you, but that’s clearly not the case, is it?
now stop going on about how the armor’s color has some meaning, its making you look like a delusional moron.
i recognise that and knew going into this that my opinion was likely unpopular, but it does not change my stance
i simply don’t see it as just a paint job, i see it as what it actually is
what the fuck is it then why are you being so damn vague???
i don’t think it’s vague at all, i’m saying i see it as magic armour, not painted armour
that’s why i’ve only been referring to my examples by their magic instead of their colour, because that’s what they are
Because the magic’s symbol/color looks cool but they dont like using it??? Just because someone doesn’t like using a magic doesnt mean they dont like it’s color or symbol. Stop acting like the “armor represents the magic dumbass kys!!!”, it’s just drip man, it genuniely isnt that deep.
are all mage mains this delusional
Things are heating up in the AO fashion community
please do not add in words and lie about what i’ve said, i’ve not uttered a single insult or threat in this entire discussion
i do agree for the symbol, in a perfect world it would be nice to use whatever symbol we want since that’s just carved into the armour, but i still disagree with the colour since it’s not paint
fair, I was exaggerating your words by quite a lot, but yes I can see why someone would be annoyed at that.
I have no comment on how delusional this take is, but at this point I’ll just let you have the “I’m entitled to my opinion fallacy.” I get that you don’t like having people have nicely colored armor, but you do you.
i would be fine if it wasn’t magic armour, just regular painted armour would be nice to have as an option like how the wizard robes can make up for arcmancer
do you wear shoes
when i go outside
do you eat shoes