I require for you to do the “Always has been” Template
E idk
Wait I might have figured out how to defeat him
keep watching tv lol
No, write “Zero divided by Zero” on your shirt. Then, get sucked in. Once you get pulled through the math equation, he might explode. That’s just a theory though.
I am now stuck in an endless loop of death hehe. Please help.
It’ll stop after you get electrocuted and sent through the math equation. Then you reach the end of the vortex and get deleted
Bomba has responded… We must turn filtering enabled on.
It is time to defeat VVV once and for all
Here you go, here’s the FilteringEnabled.
He took the filtering enabled script, and threw it at vetex vortex vertex
Coding would erupt out of him like a volcano, and he exploded in an impressive display
We did it Fang, we stopped the Vetex Vortex Vertex. Magius can now thrive in peace.
Coding wrapped around his remains, and dragged them into a black hole in the middle of a faraway galaxy never to be seen again…