Vienna, The Acid Conjurer

She’s such a nervous fighter and pukes acid.
And is also my avatar, hope y’all like her


maddox’s long lost cousin!!?!?!?

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She casts acid magic by… throwing up?

Well, it’s unique, I’ll give you that. Though I can’t help but pity her. I can safely say throwing up is miserable, add on the acid and the fact that she uses it to fight, and I imagine her existence is torture.

That’s just one of her quirks, she can still cast them through other parts of their body.
She usually pukes them when she’s nervous, which is like always :sob:

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ngl that makes a lot of sense thematically lmao

I mean maddox coughs poison gas occasionally so it’s not too different

Vienna her quirk: Acid Magic

She can control and cast acid magics when she conjurers a magic circle in her will! But… It have some side effect such as… Nausea, puking out acids, and couple more that I’m too lazy even name them out! :smiley:

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sory :( "


Must be miserable.

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“She threw up on me!”
screams of agony

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she phrew up :frowning:

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Me who is explosion Conjurer(Bronze Musket, Dual Bronze Flintlock and iron shield or katana)

She looks like on the verge of breaking down

She should monetize her quirk and start a capitalist empire.

“Gamer girl bath vomit” (warning: may cause skin irritation burns if not diluted properly)

Aww, she ain’t no stupid idiot. I mean, puking up acid isn’t the most pleasant thing to experience, but at least she beat King Calvus with it, right? She capable baby :hugs:

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She fr just killed Calvus but puking the shit out of Calvus :joy:

Should i draw more of her :eyes:

I’m thinking more on the lines of Baleful Bile, or Bulimic/Regurgitating Blast/Burst/Beam.

Do it.

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Ngl she looks cute tho :blush::+1:

Imagine trying to poison her food and she justs kills you with acid