Voice chat is going to be in roblox :sleeper:

yooo I can say “fuck” in roblox again :poggers2:

Oh shit I didn’t think about that…

Jesus fucking christ

Ever since I joined this forum I lost all innocence…

im just gonna sit here laughing at roblox for adding voice chat while a horde of racial slurs from literal 11 year olds flood my ears

ah yes

public vc racial slurs

the best kind


cant wait for 9 year olds to start spamming the n word… just like in xbox live… good times

i honestly dont see the point of having roblox built-in voice chats if most people uses discord anyways bruh
in addiction to that i bet the audio quality of roblox vc is equivalent or even worse than the video quality of roblox built-in recording

I am excited for this because with voice chat, I can start singing snake eater in game whenever I climb a ladder.