Wardens Soul sword


Anyways do tell my original question so i can bully the fuck out of the people who like that character

bro i odnt ucking play g nehsin impat idk??

learn how read stupd

lurn how 2 spil stuped

1v1 me combat waror

1v1 me soulshatters

not even joking hop on ill beat your ass with bete

boring ass generic ass kit roblox game

your game looks the same

:nerd_face: ummm actually combat warirors is a very imoersive game where you simulate living in detroit where you get ganged on by 30 motherfuckers and their boyfriends in every server you join aswell as fella with a rocket launcher :nerd_face: :nerd

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but anyways fite me rn

but the game so asssss 1v1 me tww (as if thats any better of a game lol!!!)

if you’re online right now ok ill joim

either fite me soulshatters or fite me elemental battlegrounds

you od not want hte smoke in elemenetal battlegrounds bro stick to your home court

Fine then soulshatters now

my username is just my username

you could prob think of it as the energy spear from dragon rider in rogue lineage. Kind of a weapon you just summon from your body as a form of energy

beta raiden


wombo combo’d your ass @anon32468667

your mother is so hotttt

she’s married