Watch The Party Die

Literally just shut up at this point

Me arguing with Nicky is a norm (you wouldnt understand because you’re NOT in the friendgroup) and saying that only black people in AOFP have said the N word is fallacious and I’m 100% certain there’s been dozens of exceptions.

What the fuck is your problem with us? Who even are you?

I do have to ask: how do you know?

That’s the neat part: he doesn’t

1: He doesn’t and is making very baseless assumptions.
2: Massive stalker, ban immediately

pick your poison!

Thanks for readdressing the massive elephant in the room that this guy is a blatant creep

yea, if he actually does have that info, that’s absolutely fucked and he’s worse than anybody on this list by miles even if you assume everything he said is 100% true!

sure, being a hornybait troll is weird
sure, being an obsessive alt maker that can’t just move on is weird
dunno who evelynn even is ngl.

but being somebody so desperate to dig up dirt on somebody that you infiltrate their own private friend group and reach the point where you individually know what each person’s race is and kept track of that to say that your target is supposedly racist? that’s on another level.

they seemed to give a shit

So you argue about being racist or not with them?

I wasn’t trying to say that, I was saying it was usually the case

They said so

Its creepy to say that you said the n word and posted weird art?

in no world do I take your word for this.

Yeah you take theirs

yes because they didn’t infiltrate a private friend group to dig up dirt on somebody.
they may be a tad bit more trustworthy.

Im not even going to bother arguing with this guy he’s writing responses that are a sentence long and give a comically vague answer :sob:

When you say it like this with absolutely zero context that makes the situation look so much worse than it actually is

this really does look like you made this post to gather and “expose” 3 people that most of everyone already disliked in a big way and then somebody else just as a way to make the 4th person look worse.

this is bad writing at best and manipulative at worst.


Why I even on this list

No offense to spicytuna but I’m fairly certain they’re basically the genuinely schizo version of me

spicy makes me genuinely uncomfortable.

I hope blandtuna makes you comfortable
they’re really friendly and gentle

it wasnt an infiltration lol
it also wasnt digging up dirt if most of this was like a month or two ago

i tried providing as much context as i could :man_shrugging:
i provided like 5 images of discussion for the n word stuff

That wasnt my intent

“Let me join this private server under a DIFFERENT ALIAS and look for old drama/interesting things I can use to slander these people with”
