Water Poisoning Tweaks

Water Poisoning Tweaks https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/a/a/aa31a02fc28ec0e1af85e343f0d15f58c314bb26.jpeg
effort 3.714285714285714 7 quality 4.5 8 reasonability 4.769230769230769 13

There could be an in game hint about it but it is random which ones the game shows. I still think it should be one of the tutorial hints.

Vetex giving info on the forums and only on the forums once again lol

Not entirely true but it wasn’t really elaborated on and the time that it prevents it for was never specified

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forumers complaining about something before reading, once again

literally tells you in-game how to get rid of it if you bothered to look