Weapon of Choice?

Rapier and Dual boomstick… None shall contest.

staff, since there is no cool looking polearm rn

i’m using none of them cuz i’m going full on magic :slightly_smiling_face:

your mom

greataxe, greathammer and musket prolly
tho greatsword, trident and dual swords are looking sick too
Then again my opinions will 100% change when/if we get to know what their abilities are

Nobody forgot…

Bruh I literally mentioned it 8 posts earlier

Spear, beefy axe and shield
If I can only have one then probably the shield if I decide to be smart, or the spear if i just want to have fun

Rapier, and dual flintlocks, with a shield

gun only playthrough

A greathammer is all I wish for.

Old sword

all lame choose sunken sword

cutlass, greataxe, musket

funny conjurer go brrrrr


dual sword/trident, shield, gun

So many to choose from. Either the thicc axe, cutlass, or dual flints.

The shield is mightier than the sword.

Seems like no one has chosen the obvious choice. Bitches be like oH yOuR nO mAtCh FoR mY lEgEnDaRy SkIlL “WEEB KATANA SLASH” BANG HAVE FUN DODGING A BULLET YOU FUCKERS.

My fist

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i was hoping fighting styles would come in wom so we could terrorize towns with just our fists