Mistral Update Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I find it very unlikely for another Corsair boss to appear because the only reasons we fought Maria was because of the assassins, who have since terminated their contract with the Corsairs.
It’s probably going to be a Keraxan Lieutenant or something

You know… something is gonna force us to get involved with Skyhall eventually because a Brig bug revealed that Sameria’s story is actually gonna be the third kingdom storyline we finish, meaning Skyhall may be second. I wonder if its gonna be about gaining allies in the war, or poor MC gets jumped for the third darn time while trying to get to somewhere else :joy:

Man, they might need to work on that…

The MC receives the Verdies treatment by an underwater geyser and ends up in skyhall, boom easy way to get the player into skyhall

MC just has the worst luck of them all. And Morden’s good fortune aint enough to cancel it out LOL (Since Morden the one who ended up finding Beringer first, found the Death Curse first, managed to not get caught at all, etc.)

My prediction

Sea cannons are the worst things that Skyhallians will every experience, and it may be why “sea dwellers” are so hated

imagine every foreigner coming up to your nation drenched in salty sea water due to being launched by the cannon, and ruining your perfect robes

what? how?

There used to be a Dark Sea Brig bug that showed an abandoned Brig with max galleons, missing textures, and somehow has the flags for both Sameria and Ravenna. Sameria is somehow slotted on the third flag rather than the second flag.

You’re meant to get a new flag after finishing a kingdom’s storyline. If Sameria’s third, that means its the third kingdom storyline we will finish. The second one has to be Skyhall.

You can find it somewhere in Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities thread, theres a few screenshots showing that bug. Its fixed now tho.


The MC has a very friendly chat with the ruler of Skyhall (No one was left alive)

how the hell did you reach that conclusion?

didn’t verdies get flung up there because of a tornado?

it wasn’t actually always in the dark sea
it’s like the placeholder brig which would spawn before it applies all your custom things to it. You can actually drive it if it was yours, but most of the time it reverts back to how it’s supposed to be when you do that.
sometimes it glitched out and it kept the ship there even after the person who it belonged to left

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what? no

Screenshot 2024-04-13 at 18.49.36
read the lore document

i was pretty sure that trigno was the one who launched them into a sky island. unless the tornado launched them during their battle

Yeah, Verdies was attacking Trigno’s ship when his ship got flung away by the tornado, which is also why it was covered in lava.

I just wanna see fort castrum

Compared to Morden, the player has:

  • Got kidnapped
  • Lost their memory (debatable on whether it’s good or bad)
  • Immediately gets into a fight with pirates after going to where Morden told them to go
  • Gets caught in a warehouse fight when they just want wood
  • Gets attacked by Shura on sight
  • Gets attacked by Iris while trying to talk things out
  • Has to climb the Stepstones three whole times under threat of getting gripped by Warren
  • Has to fight a guy who has more healing potions than there are people with Scurvy in the world, AND can heal himself while damaging the MC with lightning
  • Gets sold out by the Ravenna Privateer and can be captured by Ravenna if they screw up a tiny bit
  • Has to fight General Argos after getting caught peeping
  • Gets caught up in Mayor Tilly nonsense which leads to them being stuck on Ravenna
  • Gets weakened by Lady Carina trying to kill them which then leads to their capture by Julian
  • Spends a month starving in the Eternal Mines
  • Gets attacked by Wolves Bandits soon after making landfall on Wind-Row
  • Gets their ship completely wrecked after spending three minutes or so in the Nimbus Sea

Overall, almost everyone has it out for the MC’s blood.


Its likely that we become major allies with sameria for all of the nimbus storyline and only leave it for good once we get ready to travel to vimir