Arcane Academy -- Webtoon Chapter 1


Can I be the weird neckbeard weaboo that has a hentai hoodie?

If that is what you put on the form and I pick your character to use then yeah sure.

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gib form. Now, I have a shitty fanfic to write. tips fedora

hold on

The instructions are in this Topic.


forum keeps telling me “body is unclear, is this a complete sentence” :fr:

Lol I hate when it does that. :frcryin:


You are rivaling trollus :poggerfish: :nod:


You wish…



Not really. But I will definitely put my all into this comic. :+1:

:rage: No am not horny


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Epic when will you put other issues on webtoon


Right now I am working on chapter 1 since it has the weakest story out of the other 3 chapters. Once I am done remastering that one, all I need to do is edit a few things for chapters 2 and 3 and then I am done. I will probably post all 3 beforehand and then announce them in another post.

Not sure when I will exactly finish.

cool don’t rush it

Thxs bro. :+1: