Welcome to sherlock's shop!

casual shop banter.

one of roselight’s guild leaders

like I said, he really hates me

he deleted the message but I caught it before he took it down lol

(also don’t ask why is it 1 am for me)

well look at this


he tried to scam you just as i said

also he edited that msg

insert context

I kinda feel bad for Sherlock who’s just caught in the middle of this conflict between you two…

shush @BBII its dramas fault in the first place

Can’t you two resolve this over DMs instead of various shop posts though so people looking to trade don’t have to deal with… This?

Swift oath, hard sunken sword, strong axe, strong sunken boots and a sturdy wall of jericho for your clean sunken sword?

gl with your trades @SherlockHolmes gl
(hope you dont get scammed by drama)

Oh gosh, take these cookies right here and take this to DMs

Ran out of pies from clogging up the last post…

Got cake maybe?

Could I trade any of your sunkens, here is what I got. Dm me

pls ive been looking for a sunken ill give all my boss drops and 4000 crowns dm i

He’s a lil’ immature and extremely quick to make irrational decisions but he’s alright :nod:

he’s fine after his reformation, but he still has hostility towards me. not very forgiving as a person I see.

He doesn’t let go very easily :fr:

A little quirk y’know

mhm yes.

:nod: yes yes yes

shop is now open!
make your offers