Welp. RIP Paper and Ink mains

Not really into explosion. I liked paper. Just loved how it felt and looked. Literally loved black paper. Was never about the abilities or stats or clash rates. Just looked so dam cool and unique.

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well thankfully vetex is not removing anymore magics, yeah even i feel removing paper feels weird.

I had a dream of running both paper and ink, but since it’s now shattered guess I have to use the normie magics.
Absolutely no idea on what to go with, but at least I have the 6 months until the update to think about, but I will probably forget about the game up until release and play on my wood slot first or a new one first and decide later.

tears man

Well this is news! I didn’t expect any magics to get removed.

I guess it’s not a huge loss or anything since gold was just upgraded iron and ink was just water with blind. Merging gold and iron also makes sense but rip those people who mained those magics…


Paper should become a lost magic, or maybe merge it with ink AND make it a lost magic. Then it could apply the scribed debuff by itself. You could call it “scripture” or something.

tobi dies

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maybe they could come back as lost magics? probably??

considering they’re being removed you could literally consider them lost magics lol

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They know everything that I suffered today. f for asura anchor and s

Same bro same.

bro atleast put a spoiler warning first

I don’t know how, sorry




RIP me since I had both an iron and gold file; and by the looks of it gold/iron users won’t be able to change their magics, just paper/ink users.


been using ink since the open tests and now its leaving me, just like that


the best magics are dead this is so sad


Screw paper lmao

Oh…the IRONY :clown_face: :clown_face: