Weve won the war

Alright I’m expecting a apology for this one.


It’s coming right after GTA6

bro its not that hard to screenshot smth out of context, unironically the stupidest shit ever
Screenshot 2024-12-09 10.27.28 AM

true! they still fell for it head over heels though

no one ever said it was difficult, the real difficult part is not falling for it, which the fandom fell for spectacularly

The forum gives me this old internet vibe sometimes.

I think I should win because I’m the best :smirk_cat:

like 2 people got mad and that was at the miraheze wiki for being shit

miraheze out here catching strays :sob:

oh no the no where near finished wiki thats been in development for a couple months isnt as good as the finished wiki thats been developed for a couple years! miraheze wiki bad! fandom better!

grow a brain

bro im here catching strays

im more talking about the entire fandom not just you

Until miraheze is finished, you have no rights to call it better
Yall be like “miraheze wiki is 100000 times better than fandom wiki” then when someone points out that it’s missing some of the most vital pages like magics, yall go “well you cant judge bc its not finished”

When will there be a future where both sides shur the fuck up for once (no hate :pray:)

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check again :3

We’ve won… but at what cost

Hmm, yes


Insert a summary of the magic here, including lore and it’s origins. Should also include notable users of the magic


Insert a detailed description of how the magic works as well as any accurate synergies (refer to balance docs and server)

Strategy tips (Optional)[edit]

If you know about PvP strategies you can put some tips for people trying to get into pvp (Put general info on another page)

Extra Notes[edit]

Basically, just put extra notes here that can’t fit anywhere else in bullet points

Truly the wood magic page of pages

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breadth first

watch me

Miraheze is better knocks chair over and legs it

Okay I prefer Fandom for information but community-wise the Miraheze one is preferable due to being a forum microcosm

Wait hear me out what if the forums were divided into subfactions

And I know exactly how to do it…