What are your favorite drinks? (Poll)

So am I. In my home there’s also some sorta tradition like that but we ain’t crazy drinkers (one glass a month). Alcohol isn’t there to get drunk, but for the taste.

As someone who tried alcohol before, that shit is disgusting

it makes me feel swag and cool infront of my friends, I love peer pressure and drinking soft liquours and smoking cigarettes with a lighter !!!

sprite w orange juice

fuck wrong reply

You either:
-are western
-have a weak stomach
-will get to liking it soon

To be fair, i only drink milk when i eat it with cereal everyday

Sir I am a Croat

optin 2 or 3 then?

I don’t have a weak stomach, at least I never drank enough to check
If I want the same experience I will spray some propolis into my mouth, same taste but at least heals mouth wounds.

i would like to take back any endorsement of caffeine ive ever dealt out

yesterday i was using a “cirkul” water bottle i got from a white elephant last sunday. it came with two flavors, blueberry+grape, and kiwi+strawberry, which was caffeinated.

i severely underestimated the amount of caffeine in this flavoring, and had about 1.5 bottles of it in around half an hour (it was very tasty pls no judge). for the rest of the day, i was completely high on caffeine. in that time i had my two lamest classes (french and computer science).
worst. day. ever.

i never want to touch a coca cola brand beverage again