What are your most played games on roblox

…why do you hate roblox extensions?
the safe and popular extensions such as roblox+, BTroblox, ropro, and rogold can be really good in multiple ways. moreso for the website. whats so bad about them?

wom :fr:

i don’t hate them, i meant to say i don’t use and don’t plan on using them (i was extremely tired when i made the original reply, my bad.)

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Hold up, aren’t you a moderator for the vesteria community too?

Maybe i’m misremembering but somewhere I think I’ve seen you play in the distant past.

So does meta just insert himself as a mod into like any community lol

(better be careful if I ever decide to start one of my own :cold_sweat:)

yes. he has a good reputation and many people trust him so he makes a good mod. also he isn’t biased and dishes out punishments fairly.


Do people even care for communities based around like artists?


Only time can tell

Idk but i mage

Puttin the work puttin the hours

I don’t use any of those wacky extensions, but I got ~200 on DW, ~400 on WoM+AO, and a large amount on Phantom Forces, I’d guesstimate around 500.

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Based kaijuro cards player fr

i want to die

Arcane Odyssey, ever since I first played the game maybe two or three months back, I’ve been playing it nonstop.

I think tower heroes might be my most played ngl

Crim (770h), Northwind (610h), “my own game” (489h), The Wild West (324h. All of this ever since mid 2021 when i first downloaded ropro