What do you dislike about AO, and how would you change it?

ok so back in AA there were these items called legendary weapons that gave you big flashy powerful abilities.
you got from from opening a legendary chest that would spawn at a random location on the map after a player obtained a legendary chart at a 1/20000 chance that would describe the location of the legendary chest.
Only the player with the legendary chart can open the chest.

now this doesn’t sound bad, right?

Now you also have a gigantic marker over your head, the ENTIRE GAME has been notified about the chart, and if somebody kills you, they get the chart.


that sounds


To the topic at hand here ig the one thing i’d say i’d dislike about AO currently would probably just be the lack of the Vitality Path atm. I don’t have too much complaints about AO other than generic simple balance changes and the like that every game experiences.

The likely direction of heading over to the Nimbus Sea and still missing out on the last major path and it’s branches just rubs me the wrong way personally. Would be neat and interesting if Vetex could combine the two but that doesn’t seem likely.

So for now given whatever speculation spirit weps are im just going to continue being Warrior or Knight as a path to main for the time being. I’ve considered skipping the Nimbus Sea entirely and wait out till spirit wep comes unless things change super drastically w/ the new sea that i’d get completely left behind on whatever customization i could do for the current 28 files of mine.


God I cannot tell you how you even need fucking potions just to not get taken down by multiple players

multiple armor sets getting nerfed to make elius “viable” when vetex makes it so they are the ONLY BOSS DROPS THAT HAVE ONE JEWEL SLOT EXCEPT FOR IRIS, THE SECOND BOSS IN THE ENTIRE GAME!!!

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it doesnt

I doubt we’ll ever see Morden using his magic, he’ll probably stick to the curse. Personally I’d like to see him mix it in with fighting style techniques, that would be cool.

nitpick but its rough waves spawning on top of underwater structures
and also rough waves in general
doesnt seem to have any use to be there feels like removing it from the bronze sea would be way better

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why should i waste my lifetime to get +3 speed in my ship?

like a suggestion i saw before, make deckhands recruitable through rivalry, since rn they make 0 sense, we kill the fucking king of ravenna and they dont know about us? they are just straight up retarded

also, remove halloween seasonals, permanently destroyed the whole game’s economy

and remove the “you need levels to change how you cast your skills as a mage/berserk” thing, it is boring and useless

is curse not magic in it’s purest form…?

Yeah but sea curses are still fundamentally different from circle magic. That’s like if I said “Well, actually, the entire group is supposed to be only magic users. Neviro is a magic user because weapon skills use passive energy imbue and that’s a type of magic.”

huh, looking from that prespectiive ig its fair enough

I’ve never heard of this before, what’s the date?

Oct 15

nvm just a hunger rant

I personally dislike the hunger
system. It seems like vetex is trying to encourage eating for stat buffs but implementing a whole hunger system isnt the way to go. its just an inconvenience having to collect lots of food just to not starve to death, especially if you have 1K= galleons. even if you dont, it sucks that you have to take a break from exploring to cook food so you dont die and end up back in Ravenna

The Solution

Foods giving buffs could be introduced with a very difficult boss or a hint for PvP. Implementing a very hard boss would be a pain for the average roblox player(7 year olds) and would lead to them quitting the game. So, a hint when you reach max level would be enough to inform players.

combat is a mess and isn’t fun, world/island design sucks, story is a mess, magics are still too similar, the game relies on the illusion of build diversity (most builds play the same anyways), vitality shouldnt be a thing, the music isn’t that great and the game has no replayability (as in making new slots, playing on completed slots is okay).

the game has a ton of side content like ship customization, cooking, potioncrafting, bounty hunting, diving, and treasure charts, but the main stuff (for the most part) sucks and the side stuff isn’t enough to keep me playing, but that’s just me though. I get that some people like the combat and story, but it’s just not my thing.


This is a nitpick. The only leggings that has recolorable pants is elius boots.
It peeves me so damn much that this is the only leggings that has recolorable pants.

I do not know the consequences of adding 16 variants of colored warrior’s boots or mountaineering boots, but considering the fact that the scam known as leather pants have 16 colors for their trim only makes me go livid.

We need more items to be dyeable, especially more boss armors :nod: