What do you think about Optical

should wait until the new ppl know you more

Fair enough.

While I do think you lack the intelligence needed for basic online human interaction (Every part not just social), I think people are too hard on you sometimes, although that’s just how the internet works and I’m sure some of those people are about as immature and stupid as you are. Making a self-pity post definitely isn’t going to help you though, like really asking this forum for their opinion on you when it should’ve been obvious from how people talk about you.

You should take a break from the forums and gain life experience, maybe make more friends while you’re at it, take care of your hygiene, get a job, go study for college, Get a girlfriend (or boyfriend), if you want to keep playing video games then only play single player. Go study what you have a passion in, it’s best to start early. Last but not least you should work on fixing your entire personality.

I’d recommend taking a Meyer brigs personality test, that could work on giving you a baseline for what kind of person you want to develop into, make sure to take gender and sexuality tests too. Gotta weed out the common Gen Z social problems people have into their late teens. There are many complications for psychology stuff so I really can’t say much anymore. It might be hard to talk about personalities and genders and stuff but trust me it’ll relieve you of the mental anguish you’ll suffer in your later college years if you address it when your still young.

This is my kind of way of saying to go touch grass, not to be rude or anything of course.


only reason I’m on the forums is cause I done with schoolwork

buddy you knew the answer before you asked

to what

this is why you’re stupid

id say a certain two-words sentence to you but itd get me in trouble

bro idk how to check what u replied to


honestly optical I love you man I dont think anyone deserves this hate over some stupid block game discussions and this community is just really cruddy. ignore all of the haters and keep on going

oh and here is more evidence:
Screenshot 2024-03-26 7.51.41 AM

Check yourselves forumers :joy:

1 Like

dang you said it better than me good job smart guy :fire:

lmao “weirdly entitled”

also the rules here are super duper relaxed compared to a lot of places I’ve been to online

they just not cooking fr

anyways uh I think we should close this thread cuz like 5 people answered it now aaaannddd I dunno why it’s still open :3

Tbf there are like a handful of people, that I will not name, on here that I would say this accurately describes

yea, still the minority compared to most of us tho

(I hope I’m not one of the entitled people O_o)

Why does this topic exist


Also, sorry, but I have to necrobump said topic just to say that this comment is incredible. Please keep doing what you’re doing.