I don’t believe anyoneone with kanedgy as their pfp
you don’t deserve what happened to you in the subreddit (saying hello, you’re from suncry and you get replies like ‘‘gUiLd AdVeRtIsInG iS nOt AllOwED’’)
and you’re cool too
I meant “make do” but I guess my phone did a funny and do a bit of trolling.
Sorry if I’m an idiot but I still don’t get it… wdym?
I can make do is an expression.
Example: “I don’t have the necessary tools but I can make do.”
Basically means I will just have to deal with it.
I’m sorry but my opinion is just
“that one tobi kinnie comic artist”
Got it… thank you
Another cool artist
The “always replys here” guy
the cool person with a recognizable AL pfp
Very Nice person
Sad Suncry person
devil lady from a game I knew but forgot lookin’ at our souls
Not from a game, is original
Some guy with a waifu demon as pfp, possibly a helltaker fan
Sad face