What does the TGR really hold in store for us?


Hey everyone, devo here with my second post. Not a while ago vetex posted the Guild Update Patch Notes on the forum, which is great and all, but something really piqued my interest near the end. vetex proceeded to talk about the TGR (Total Game Revamp) and how it will make WoM truly the AA sequel. Although I’m happy for this, how exactly is he going to do it? More specific details will be released on the Halloween update, but will that really be enough information?


As I presume we all know, vetex is changing the map, lore, but something more interesting; the AI.

“Since EVERY NPC is kill-able and has its own AI, every unique story NPC I would have added would’ve had to have its own moveset, meaning adding even a simple unique NPC for part of the storyline would have required me to design its moveset and drops, basically as if I were adding a new boss each time. Not to mention the fact that shop owners and NPCs having a sleep pattern does NOTHING for gameplay except for “immersion” and being a nuisance.”

  • vetex

Could this be the introduction of randomized movesets and drops? Will vetex make a script that enables random bosses to spawn with their own uniqueness? Will it also affect the storyline somehow? I’d like to know what you guys think in the comments down below.

Islands and boats :sunglasses:
(just started a war)

it’s way too early to make any predictions about what TGR will have. The only thing we know is that its going to be an overhaul of the current game. What that means nobody knows.

No it isn’t lol

It’d actually be interesting to see if vetex will scatter some islands around Magius, and add the functionality of boats. I would totally support it.

why not. its literally 3 months out and just about 0 information was released

proof of potential islands and boat returning

ooooo where i wanna see

Check simular pages about island and read the replies.

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I will prob like everything in the tgr update unless it makes all npc unkillable I really liked the charm of it I would be fine if he made the really important npc unkillable though

Trying to solve a mystery with virtually no evidence be like.

yoooo yay : D so it’s actually gonna be a continuation of AA

Yaaaayy bye bye continent : D

yooo vetex don’t take away moving npc, those are cool neither the magic council spawning on you. just keep the metal worker and them at there stations that all(and bring back islands)

When you say that WoM’s start was bad what did you mean? I thought that you said the launch of the game had a major amount of players? Personally I like it better than Arcane Adventures because it features a map where you can actually waypoint things and most of the land is still visible and easily transversible even at night, while Arcane Adventures had what felt like a small window of day before night came, where it was pretty much hopeless and painful to navigate at sea because you had no idea where you were going half the time and you may as well give up and try later because there was a decent chance that somehow after ages of sailing around in the dark you would get killed at your destination and END UP BACK AT BORIALIS!!

Sorry. Still have PTSD over Theos. At least he had good boss music though.

he was quoting what vetex said

Yeah vetex said that not ultra

am i the only one who doesnt want magius to split into islands? if its the only way to reduce lag then sure, but i kinda like the one continent concept split into universes

Yeah, Magius should stay as it is. It’d be cool if he could scatter some islands around the sidelines, but the continent should stay whole. Plus, they’re going to split up the continent in different servers, like AA to reduce lag.