What exactly is an 'Arcane Online"

arcane online sounds like some spinoff web browser mmo


I’ve heard a lot of talk about this supposed arcanium online yet no conclusive definition. my best guess is that it is a sort of migratory bird native to the southern coast of Madrid. I would love your input on this subject. (P.S. Sorry for grammar I am not English.)

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Arcane Online is a multiplayer roguelike RPG currently being developed by Ragoozer and Arch_Mage, the creators of Rogue Lineage. Arcane Online is not connected to Rogue Lineage however, and is completely seperate.

Arcane Online features a large ocean map and complex combat mechanics. Im personally looking foward to it since the leaks ive seen are very impressive for a Roblox game.


I have strong reason to believe you are lying.

Well you can go fuck yourself

In my country you would be beheaded for this incredibly disrespectful language. You should be ashamed of yourself. (P.S. Sorry for bad grammar I am not english)

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In my country i dont give a fuck (P.S. Sorry for bad grammar I am a native english speaker)


A game developed by betexgaming

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Arcane Online is a Roblox game developed by vetex (@_vetex on Twitter), the third game in the Arcane Universe, and a complete revamp of World of Magic. Many of the same systems in World of Magic are present in this game such as reputation, inventory, spell creation, etc., except with better gameplay and more content.

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my apologies good sir

This @_vetex must be a plagiarist because this description is copied word for word from the game “Rogue Lineage”. Care to explain this?

That kinda sounds like dee

whats “dee” vitorgue?

pls respond vitorgue i miss u :broken_heart:

Deez nuts.


This entire thread has made me very confused.


First TheSandCrab. Then TheSnowCrab. Now TheSiltCrab? What’s next? TheSoilCrab? TheStoneCrab? TheSedimentCrab? TheSlickrockCrab? TheSludgeCrab? TheSuspiciouslySquishyDirtCrab? This is getting out of hand. I intend to put a stop to this tumultuous insanity.


So this guy is an alt intended to annoy you buy making no sense.

phone game

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