What exactly was the problem with World Of Magic?

I never really understood why development stopped,

Of course, I do think Arcane Odyssey already looks better than WoM by a lot, but what were the main reasons why the game was disliked by a lot of the player base?

Can anyone summarize? :thinking:

  • Transportation was extremely boring. Basically just running
  • EXTREME lag with dynamic NPCs
  • Storyline had a SLOW start
  • Combat felt very slow + stamina
  • Exploration isn’t very fun due to the map and how flat the world can be
    This of course isn’t everything but some points

It’s pretty well explained there

Basically it covers transportation, cultures and their impact, how building the map was super slow, how the storyline was kind of a joke, the problems of npcs, bad optimisation which couldn’t really be fixed without changing the npcs and map, etc.

I actually liked the exploration and transportation parts of the game, but yeah, can’t disagree really.

we’ve gone over this before

Transportation was basically run, wait for stamina to regen, repeat. Flight is just a bootleg fix that ruins all exploration. Exploration early days before map was fine but there are a TON of similar areas

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