What forumer is a mascot of what magic and why?


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i am the fire mascot if you say no i will burn your house down

i’ve recently also joined the pressure club since it’s just like gravity but an ancient

only reason i wasn’t before was cause it said it was part wind, but i’ve decided to just ignore that part

pressure fanclub

:socks: :thong_sandal:

since apparently losts and ancients are open i could take gravity instead, there are people who like snow more than me

wind and storm
im taking both :D

also I’m a sacrifice mascot

sacrifice is the closest we’ll get to blood magic

Ya probably, Cookie magic should honestly just be added just cause of you :smile:



fire is mine.


Rayhan I will absorb you

I am explosion magic because cookies explode. :cookie::cookie::boom::boom:

What are you cooking!!!

What do you think?:boom::boom::boom:

i’m plasma maybe i think

who was the sand dude before me?

oh it was @Crim

bro is not a mascot for shit