What generation are you all?

I’m gen 4 :skull:

could have been gen 3

gen 3

alright 3 then
at least for this account
my old one which had AA was beaned

I’m gen 3 but I would have been gen 2 if my account didn’t get deleted

gen 2 because I played AA once in its beta for like 4 days then forgot about it until it got broken and adventure story released (ngl they should have made adventure story a gen :pensive: )

i have this but i have 0 memories of playing it

Well, I played the AA beta and have the beta band so I’d be gen 2, if I played on that account. So my character file will say gen 3 but I in reality have been here since gen 2

I played a bit of AA but that was on an old account, I played the first gen of public release but I lost that account… so I’m an embarrassingly new generation on my main file lol.

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I played AA and have that badge, but I don’t think that gives you a generation unless you were in the beta for it. Unfortunately imma be a gen 4 :pensive:

Same case with me but im gen 3

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I had played arcane adventures in like 2015 2016 around that time but my original roblox account had gotten hacked so I lost practically all my stuff :frcryin:

I barely remember playing tbh. I spawned on an island, swam to another smaller island, almost died in the process, then left. That’s all I can remember.

I’m an exception right? :pleading_face:

I only heard about vetex after WoM was released

i remember playing AA in my old acc when it was still alive, but lost ( forgot the password lol ) it so it’s gen 3 for me

gave up on AA after being force choke so many times that my spawn point was set to desert island thing lmao ( i think ? i remember seeing the desert island at least )

then proceed to forget about V for the next few years until that one WoM showcase was posted on his channel

been stalking his twitter ( respectfully ) nearly everyday since

Aw man

Gen 3
Couldn’t play arcane bc it was for bobux

Gen 2

I discovered it on the Roblox frontpage

all the testers: am i joke to you?

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I don’t even remember much about this game, only that I got attacked by a shark and lost my limb.

2nd generation