I was fighting in the abandoned arena with my friend he had acid and i had fire he absolutely destroyed me
im guessing bc fire performs badly in clashes
thank you for this very informative post
Skill issue
skill issue
issue of skill i and you have
for me and my friend its the opposite i have fire and win and he has acid and loses
lol yep
Skill issue, delete this post please
Skill issue
uhm, about that…i dont have permission…
and please stop harassing me
skill issue, next time aim better and fight better. you can’t really do anything about it unless you practice to get better at pvp. watch pvp videos to see what to do, try getting a better build, or just practice much more.
also saying skill issue isn’t harassment. the sentence means that you have an issue with the amount of skill you possess, and in this case you didn’t have enough skill to beat your friend, meaning you have an issue with your skill. try improving your skill.
And since the game is getting revamped in a few months I will enhance my skill then
Bc I don’t know if I’m wasting my time
Also skill issue is only part of the problem. The other problem is that fire performs badly in clashes, and there’s nothing I can do about that
Don’t clash…
The only time I killed him was when I did a surprise attack. Maybe my strategy or technique is just straight-up bad.
as someone who is definitely a totally 100% actually real doctor (do not fact check) i think this sounds like a case of something i call aperitia (“a-” = suffix; lack of, “peritia” = latin word for experience/skill)
very common condition and most people seem to have it to some degree, can be treated as per Vera’s advice
this joke was not funny
Yes this is a severe case of inperitus and he seems to be in the abnegatio phase.
Well you see. It’s what people call. A