What happened to the guilds?

Thx papi vetex



I was the one who ate spell-breakers and suncry. Spell tasted like a fajita and Suncry tasted very spicy. Unfortunately, I got food poisoning cause suncry was so toxic. :slight_smile::upside_down_face: JK xD

acquire tasted like static
syndicate tastes likeā€¦
your mom tastes like ass
we taste like literal ros e petals

The heck do rose petals taste like?

joey is obsessed with vore like what the hell please help me i have considered leaving the guild heā€™s so mean to me im gonna cry

Vore isnā€™t THAT bad. Iā€™ve seen way worse

ok but heā€™s really mean

what the hell

You sure in 8 hours cause My guild is still gone

Am with Roselight Guardians , can confirm.

Can you not

Plus you pinged very roselight member

What the fuck have you done

Seriously? Can you atleast help me with refining the library?

A ping pong