What is a hidden spot you've found in game?

It’s time to test your map knowledge! What are some spots you’ve found in game that others might not know about? Here’s one of my favorites:

On a winter island, deep underground a few paces north, I have submerged my treasure for those who take a leap of faith.

Do you dare to take the leap?

Signed, the 1957th Bronze Explorer

You find a faded picture stapled to the back:


Try to see if you can find these spots yourself and send a picture :slight_smile:

On the south of harvest there’s a tiny cave accesed by breaking a wall

i found sans undertale in snowdin winterveil akursius keep

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While I’m also on the same island here is another:

Aboard a drifting iceberg, on the north northwest edge, my treasure is sunken into the sea before the yeti’s jaws

Signed, the 1957th Bronze Explorer

Solution / Hint:


theres a “secret place” under new Palo ( its just Cryo making a little happy accident )

Together with a shipwright and a mage I have hidden a part of my treasure within the side of a cliff on the north western side of the Bronze Sea. The earth magic used by my crewmate is nearly indistinguishable from the cliff-face.

Signed, the 1957th Bronze Explorer

Solution / Hint:


The most recent is breakable wall on Thorin (find it yourself)
edit: nvm. i jsut noticed this comment

I didn’t think anyone else had found that spot other than me. I had no idea it existed until I accidentally exploded a barrel against that wall

It’s not really a set spot on the map, but not a lot of people know about Obolus nests.

Whenever you find an obolus idling underwater, remember where they were before you get it’s agro, because there’s an unmarked (no circle with bubbles above it) diving spot with 5 sealed chests directly under it! It doesn’t despawn, so if you remember where it is, you can come back every 5-10 minutes and they’ll regenerate!
I’m unsure if/how often the obolus respawns there, but usually you can just get another free 5 sealed chests without much effort whenever you come back.

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yeah some parts of frostmill can be destroyed all the way, I personally prefer the shell trench

I was going to say that one

I managed to be unfindable in that secret by a bounty hunter on day one of the palo town revamp

Oh hey this is the breakable wall near the shore in thorin’s refuge

there’s also the giant half submerged tunnels under the ravenna mountain that’s quite neat to explore
even tho there literally isn’t anything of value except some decent fishing spots

This is a sham! An elaborate scheme laid out to get everyone to reveal their hiding spots. Nice try mister but you can’t fool me. You’ll never learn about my secret hiding spot in the Ravenna sewers accessed through Calvus’ “Throne”

I like the Fishing Pond cave on Wind-Row Island. Not particularly hidden, but it’s surprising how many people don’t know about it.

theres a cave at djinn ruins

unless you farm Elius ig you wouldnt know this

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Breakable wall at forest of cernunno
accidently got stunk in wall, flinged out to inside of that place

There’s a secret cave in one of the shell island pillars where you will find King Nero’s secret tomb

You’ll find my hidden spot at the very edge of the known world

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