What is Liquid Starlight in-universe?

I wish it at least had some sparkles (and that you actually bottled it rather then collected little solid parts for “liquid” starlight)

remember that time Zeus incubated a fetus in his leg

all i’m gonna say is, zeus was not known to keep it in his pants

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Ah yes, Arcane Odyssey, the family friendly Roblox game where you can collect breast milk.

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And garuntee @rouver2345 would have at least one bottle of liquid starlight and call it stored Edward’s c-

how the hell do you keep finding my milk dumps!!!

blizzard employees having a field day reading this post

I am almost completely certain that it’s just a reference to Liquid Starlight from the Astral Sorcery Minecraft mod. May not have any real in-universe explanation.

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An odd reference, better than the alternatives though :sob:

its not meant to be solid parts its just meant to look like you’re collecting the liquid

No, i would call it milk, since roblox censored it anyway

god c*m
It’s not too crazy to me, honestly, stars are capable of being white (our sun is, the yellow you see is just an effect of the atmosphere or something), stars are extremely hot, and hot means burns. If that plasma was turned into liquid sitting around in the already extremely magic-and-probably-chaos-dense area of the planet, liquid starlight doesn’t seem to out of the ordinary to me.

isn’t that just c-

Zeus!! Don’t!

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ngl i think its just liquid nitrogen or something
alternatively, the c*m pools

Bleach, hence the poison effect

Quote every person who tried to be funny.

this thread is cursed, 10/10