What is Liquid Starlight in-universe?

(complete sentence)

People are gonna go bathe in those pools after this post bruh :skull:

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i threw up after eating hot chips

Side effects white poison

Nut water

Prometheus man milk :fearful:

I got Mis to ask tech what it is one time

Tech said it is liquid mercury

Explains the poison, but why does it burn?

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Shouldve made it greyish and metalic, smh, the moment I saw it, i had a bad vibe about how people were going to see it-

Why the fuck would you go with white water-

Mercury is also a planet and that explains the “starlight” part ig

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I wish it at least had some sparkles (and that you actually bottled it rather then collected little solid parts for “liquid” starlight)

remember that time Zeus incubated a fetus in his leg

all i’m gonna say is, zeus was not known to keep it in his pants

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Ah yes, Arcane Odyssey, the family friendly Roblox game where you can collect breast milk.

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And garuntee @rouver2345 would have at least one bottle of liquid starlight and call it stored Edward’s c-

how the hell do you keep finding my milk dumps!!!

blizzard employees having a field day reading this post

I am almost completely certain that it’s just a reference to Liquid Starlight from the Astral Sorcery Minecraft mod. May not have any real in-universe explanation.

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An odd reference, better than the alternatives though :sob:

its not meant to be solid parts its just meant to look like you’re collecting the liquid

No, i would call it milk, since roblox censored it anyway