What is the best Culture/Race in Wom?

Bell village holds the poor people of alalean but the rest are rich

What do you mean best? Like subjectively or objectively?

none, becuz tgr

Alaleans. Totally based, no bias here

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all of my homies are vistarians

all current cultures are equal gameplay-wise, though I think Alaleans are better

out of every planned culture though? New Greeks or Skylians. they have that “magic-running-in-their-veins” headstart

bad castilian bad


It’s much worse in games where you have to reroll for races… much, much worse.

me :sunglasses:

yeah he still lives in magius basically a protector for the alaleans

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vistarian supremacy

The Savarians are without contest the noblest of races.
From time immemorial we Savarians have trudged through the sands of the desert, enduring the incessant beatings of the sun and the unquenchable thirst of our barren lands.
We have a rich culture, friendly people, and are an overall pleasant peoples. Of the Savarians, the Sabura are the most beautiful, but I digress. All Savarians are beautiful in their own ways.

Now, if we want to talk about the dredges of humanity, the filth of the earth, the shit dragging beneath my shoe, the common swine and fowl, and the dogs and maggots living amongst humanity, that’d have to be the fucking Vistarians.

As a common shopkeep in Savera, I do not interact with them much, thank the gods. However they are regrettably quite common in the world of the magic arts, and thus my humble abode is sometimes polluted by the presence of one of their own when they wish to procure arms by which to undoubtedly work their wickedness.

Their filthy fucking faces, their fake plastered smiles, and their fucking obnoxious way of speaking always sets me on edge. How dare they, knowing the sins they carry, smile in such an oblivious way? They are all fucking rats and maggots.

Look at their common, hideous garb:
The faded putrid colors on it certainly fit their equally putrid natures, at the very least. It makes it easier for me to decide who to spike my prices for.

m windows vista

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