What is the first thing you'll do in AO? 10/19/21

too bad because he sucks at the game and will be bad forever

Tell my friends and hop on my ship to venture the sea

Punch a tree

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become dante from the devil may cry series (not a joke)

Contemplate on what save file i wanna play

make my guild and grind infamy while everybody is focusing on getting new stuff :smiling_imp:

Switch to Crystal. Grindā€¦ then fish for seven years

find a cat (NO CATGIRLS) and pet it if possible

Iā€™ve changed my mind Find a catboy and pet him if possible

What is wrong with you

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Nothing whatsoever

If it makes it any better I would also settle for petting a catgirl

Your hornyness is immeasurable
Even in that femtex art
Why are you like this
Who did this to you

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Wait I genuinely donā€™t remember posting horny on femtex art

The answer to you other question is Astolfo cosplayers

nvm it was someone else with an anime pfp with pink hair
they all look the same to me ;-;

Iā€™m pretty sure donation leaderboards would stay the same though

if it gets reset, ill try getting top donator

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