What is your favorite anime?

I thought it would be One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, and Naruto.

Dragon Ball Z was made after the big 3 Iā€™m pretty sure. If youā€™re thinking of Dragon Ball (original DB) , itā€™s more of the ā€œfather figureā€ for the big 3 lmao.

only one i still watch is jjba

What does jjba stand for?

jojoā€™s bizarre adventure

I watched season 1 but I didnā€™t like season 2

yeah i understand, iā€™m not big into anime and jjba may be overrated/overhyped but i think itā€™s pretty alright

Essence of calculus


Thatā€™s not anime though.

i dont care

Speaking of anime, Iā€™m gonna go watch Boruto.

Dbz was made before

Dbz was made in like 1989 not considering Manga.
And all the others Mangas/anime were made around early 2000s late 1990s

kekkai sensen (new york but fucked up with ailens and vampires)

For the big 3


its slow, loaded with filler, Krillin is an idiot, Gohan is a bitch, Goku almost kills his kid, everyone is useless, and the saga itself is just boring and lasts forever.

The Berserk anime (1997) ainā€™t all that tbh. I have warmed up to it but it feels so dull compared to the manga. I love Berserk, itā€™s my favorite story. Favorite manga by extent. The anime however? Eh it ainā€™t all that great. The movie trilogy was fine, cut some content but overall serviceable with a more modern look. The 2016/17 anime are affronts to God himself and should not even exist.



Weird cuz I loved it

My top 3 are DBZ, Death Note, and Shield hero (Season 1). Demon slayer is an honorable mention but I havenā€™t been able to watch season 2 yet.

Edit: Forgot to mention Spy X Family

DBZ is iconic and irreplaceable

Death Note has the most mental gymnastics crammed into a show and is overall entertaining with a deep theme of what justice really is

Shield hero (s1) did the impossible by being an actually well-written isekai, a genre notorious for always being trash.



Oof. I havenā€™t seen season 2 of that either. If thatā€™s the case then that sucksā€¦