What is your most liked reply?


57 likes from a discord screenshot

this for some reason

The world felt alive

both of these are

idk why its this, probably because it’s story related

imagine having your most liked post be in reminders for ao :smile:

Somehow the one reply where I roasted sandal has 36 likes :moyai:

I guess the forum enjoys some slander against people

For me it’s this

just a fucking dev update

most like real reply (though thingyy’s response in the same thread got double)

I was somehow able to get to an image leak in the discord before anyone else so I got this

He will always be Sandal, even if he goes by a different name.

From here I have 4 more replies in a tie for second place and three of them are about deepwoken.

funnily enough, it’s of an image I photoshopped in Reminders For AO 2:

here’s the meme itself if you guys want it


2 likes away from good reply :pensive: