I’ll shove you into a fucking tree where you can live the life you want to be
as a squirrel
Fucking acorn magic? HELL YEA.
Hmm, maybe eternal flame magic or something like that. Basically, a flame that can’t go out even underwater.
sprite cranberry variation aswell
Spirit Magic. Primordial Magic
With it, you can summon a variety of spirits that each utilize different elements. Each spirit would be weak, however, to balance the variety of magics as well as the ability to synergize with yourself. Each spirit should only use normal tier attacks as well.
Do you know what elementals are…
Oh ok.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand elementals are going to be a lost spell. I’m just saying that the magic would allow you to summon spirits of different elements.
Okk…i dunno if this joke’s worse
if we’re doing spirit magic we might as well add Hamon
Math magic
guuuuuuuh intensifies
Nobody would be able to use it
Lovecraftian/eldritch magic because I think it would be cool to mix in some eldritch horror to World of Magic. It lets you summon tentacles or something.
heheh Gotten lmao
Ye i guess you know
im concerned, what do you mean