What McDonalds Sauce Are You?

hurry up key i need to sleep

You know nothing… mortal. Ketchup is the very FABRIC that keeps you together! It’s the glue of the universe, the substance that makes a hot dog A HOT DOG! Without ketchup, everything would fall apart. Mankind would be no more. Burgers, hotdogs, german and turkish foods would be inedible… what’s mayo in the face of ketchup?
Without ketchup, birds would stop flying. Grass would stop growing… THE SUN WOULD STOP SHINING! The hub would cease to exist, everything, everywhere, would be gone all at once! You have no idea just how important ketchup is, unenlightened one… NO IDEA.

Don’t believe me? Look inside your pants. KETCHUP. Look in a mirror. KETCHUP. Look AT the mirror. KETCHUP!!! IT’S ALL KETCHUP AND IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN!

Now do you understand? In the end, in the middle of our soul, we all have a fragment of ketchup in us just waiting to shine… and if you remove that, we become empty, hollow husks of what we once were…

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hot mustard? more like not mustard


“Moved to tears”

  • Mike


(I hate ranch)


You probably already guessed that you are Sweet Chili. You’ve lost track of the number of times you’ve been told that you’re too spicy to be so lovable. You have the kind of personality that can adapt to any situation and make it taste good."

what the fck does this mean

questions are getting too personal

i dont even talk to people what

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fuckin wha

dont know how to feel about this…

this is an abomination im not even sassy and i have no friends :sob::sob::sob:

(taken last night)

What is the point of this?


wheres the no option

i am a Midwesterner i guess

Why do we have the same result when we’re entirely different people

Idk it’s accurate tho I’m so chill I don’t even talk here fr

both are mid