What race are you gonna choose first?


this basically assumes that one can only like fictional characters if/when they are unable to get the same affection from real girls. seems like projection.
also being unable to talk to girls doesn’t even make you down bad lmao, it just makes you socially inept.



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That makes sense

It can make you down bad

do you think I’m not going with the catboys?


Rake you never disappoint me

damn please out here spitting fax


no, I don’t :sunglasses:

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deepwoken isnt out yet but im going to call it bad as an excuse not to play it

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play it when it releases


theres cool spell customization


haha yeah, couldn’t be me…

Vesparian is for furries so I choose Etrean since it looks like more of a mage then the others.

Ganymede or vesparian.
Hard to choose, I’ll take the first I get.
Especially since they both have a dark mysterious vibe.

you mean Felinor or Celtor?

celtor or khan
khan reminds me of son-wukong
but celtor is so KAWAIIimage

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Bruh literally nobody on this fourm wants to choose the Celtor race so it’s nice to see someone else willing to choose it.

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