What’s the best pizza topping?

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Am I the only one who prefers pizza with no cheese

@Zormego @AwesomeOS @Unlucky

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Yall say thats weird but then agree that pineapple goes well with pizza smh


im hating and playing

garlic butter
oh and remove the sauce

that actually sounds kinda interesting.

for some reason, I’m inclined to say that it might pair well with truffles, even though I’ve never tasted them… weird huh?

you learn something new everyday

I am now gifted the knowledge of pizza sticks.

Bacons, beef bits and corn. They go on the same pizza btw


Pepperoni lost its taste after a few years and just tastes normal

I will agree the sauce is great though

ketchup. its ketchup. i do not care, ketchup. i hate dry pizzas.

I thought those were just called cheesesticks

i like cheese pizza with pinapple and extra cheese

Extra cheese

Pepperoni, mushrooms, bacon, pineapple

No elaboration or reasoning required

Onions and peppers.