What school subjects/club do you like?

Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out. Wig Out.

you can’t just copy paste my status and use that as your argument

“you can’t just copy paste my status and use that as your argument” :nerd:

ĂŠcoute ici petite merde

You want your drama? Wait here time to create another poll

baguette weeb

i’ll shove a croissant up your ass

do it :weary:

mec c’est quoi ce bordel

bad problem :clown_face: :fire:

Je vais manger tout le sucre dans ta cuisine et après on verra qui a un problème

aussi tu n’as pas parlé un seul peu de japonais pendant notre dispute

Korewa nandesuka

What is this

(Seriously what is this conversation)

real baguette hours

1 Like


Mauvais en bas



(This is a reply to Misinput, so it pings both)

You know it
