What Ultimate attacks will you be making?

giant scorching balls

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Build: Mage
Magic: Magma
Move: Blast
Name: Burning Dragon

dragon shaped blast pls :pray:

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Magic: shadow
Build: conjurer
Type: beam or blast
Name: Restless Night: Jealousy and Regret

Magic: wind
build: conjurer
type: blast 100%
name: Ultimate Art: WIND CANNON
stats: knockback knockback knockback

what it does: yeet people

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Magic: Explosion
Type: Blast
Name: Nuclear Missile!

What do you think it does?

Build: Mage
Magic: Sand
Type: Blast
Name: Blast!

i wanna be trigno

Familiar :face_with_raised_eyebrow:?

Build: Mage

Magic: Lightning (purple variation)

Type: Pillar (3)

Name: Absolute Shock

man is in the Arcane Odyssey forum and does not even know the reference :pensive:

It’s the name of the Arcane Adventures Lightning Ultimate

Build: Mage
Magic: Memes
Type: Spam
Name: L

Build: Mage
Magic: :fr:
Type: iconic blast
Name: :fr:!

Its a true sad world we live in :smiling_face_with_tear:

I think he likes dragon ball

idk since I’m not a magic main but if I had to:

magic: Iron/metal
build: mage
name: raging steel
stat buffs: speed/power

Has anybody made a wind ult? odd.
Single blast
Ravanging winds!

I believe there was one up there
