What would be the absolute worst ideas that'd ruin Wom

thats not a terrible idea.
its not a terrible one by most forum people.
think about a terrible idea that most, maybe even everyone can agree on as terrible.

AO would ruin world of magic because it would be replace, that’s what I meant

its gonna be replaced with better things.
vetex said AO is gonna be a better wom, a WOM with the main stuff in WOM being revamped to fix the complaints that those main features had.
and its also going to have new lore.


its fine if WOM is gonna be replaced.
its gonna be replaced with something better.

he means to be ironic with AO replacing wom and AO “ruining” wom cause AO “ruins” wom by being better than it (idk but he’s trying to be ironic aaaa)

por que no los dos?

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imagine speaking spanish in the wom forum


it means “why not both”

this is the extent of my knowledge on the taco language

sorry to break it to ya bud but.
you cant speak spanish or any other language unless its known and people know what it means like YO TENGO or ZA WARUDO

but that’s exactly the thing, it’s a pretty well known meme.

i didnt even know it was a meme

Need bobux to access storyline

no he was right. you get insanity for using certain spells if i’m correct, and you get insanity for certain armors. warding protects from insanity in general.

Oh, nvm, you’re right


sorry but soy estupido

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But vetex already did a face reveal a few years ago

Imagine responding an entire week later.

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