What would be the absolute worst ideas that'd ruin Wom

make so your ability to get good at magic is like randomized

so if you want your character to have better magic potential or something like do a gacha reroll system ig idk

man I didn’t know cursebeard had sex with every woman in alalea

Metaphorical but also somewhat true.

Apparently Cursebeard was a lot like Genghis Khan in that regard. The Alaleans won’t tell you that though. That’s why there’s no record of these incidents happening - the Alaleans keep conveniently “misplacing” and “debunking” archeological findings that might reveal Cursebeard’s debauchery and degeneracy.

lmfao where are you getting this info from

Those who know know.

If you are not a sheeple or a dog for the Alalean goverment (since the MC is basically filled to the brim with Alalean nepotists so it might as well be the Alalean Government) you will eventually start asking questions, questions that will lead you to the truth behind the AU and reveal previously hidden secrets.

Only then can you realize that the true villains of the AU are the Vistarians and Alaleans who spread wanton destruction wherever they go.

well I mean

alaeans are kinda just there, plus if you look at the last names of who runs the shops in bell village, they aren’t neoptists anymore

vistarians are super nepotists tho lmfao and I see why you’d dislike them

If it allows us to use our Normal Roblox Avatars instead of the character customization.

oh god there was this cursed picture of vetex’s avatar with like rtho customization or something lmfao

Can you reply or send me the screenshot of it, if there is any?

ight ima try to find it

ayo found it

Ah, Thanks.

ae np lmao


me either

Why do you always have to jump onto the good topics and ruin them. You aren’t funny.
You are actually annoying.
What makes it worse is that you are going to reply in the same direction with fictional racism

You now gotta roll for a random magic!

I can’t for the life of me figure out why you would comment on a 4 day old post just to say something that you have already said before in numerous posts. The best part is that you’re polluting the thread by responding to my already dead post that was apparently polluting the thread.

You’d be more likely to get what you want by ignoring the post, since so far I haven’t pointlessly revived any topics that I previously “ruined” unless someone came and made the same kind of pointless post that you just did.

This is an unforseen level of obsession to me. I’ve never seen people so mentally touched on the internet ever. @Retribution keeps talking about me, and that other sad individual whose name I do not remember keeps blowing a fuse whenever he so much as smells my presence. Sad, sad, obsessed human beings.

I keep trying to enlighten you people but you don’t seem to be able to understand. It doesn’t bother me though. You may continue to let me reside rent free in the apartments and skyscrapers in your heads.

Ruin them? How have my actions stopped you from simply following the prompt as I did? It’s not like I have the power to single handedly stop users from not paying attention to my posts. Just reply to the prompt. Is it so hard?

I personally think you’re being a bit too dramatic for an open forum. It IS an open forum, so one would expect that such a thing would not happen.

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A overpowered magic that everbody wants to use.

Overpowered armor that is easy to get.