If I hook you up with a bteam member will you promise to make them nerf weapons
I am a metal conjurer.
Therefore warrior awakening now reduces size and speed
Custom spirit weapon.
A rare spell that’s both effective in combat and not a blast variant. If that’s too outlandish an ask, Purple Diatrys.
A fully kitted out player fleet and a ship of the line
equinox magic :3
julian getting a character and character development
also maybe rupin getting revived (or not. if he shows up in the form of a ghost that’d be fire too ngl. haha… get it… fire?
My gifts is wanting to be able to reach the other sea cluster in arcane odyssey by Sailing very very far enough in The dark sea
i’d ask for him to rename all the classes to their more lore accurate versions
Mage, Oracle, Mage using Weapons Aura, Mage using Strength.
fling others command
man I wish sinister gaze looked this good
Free and portable item dying
Being able to use equinox magic as a savant
Cat crew
Ability to change anything in the game
very cool neat amulet that makes me immune to pvp !!! also that gives every max level amulet buff !!! also that has all the max enchants !!!
The final three pieces of halloween 2020… (headless included)
That or the knowledge to learn an extra 2 magics without the need of awakenings n stuff
an item that if I use it causes the removal of all customs
but what if you had an item that combined all the customs together into one big magic blast, and with which you shoot at vetex, missing him and hitting a mountain far behind him