What would yall consider underrated builds

ice sailorfist warlock

I said under rated not over rated

me personaly i have never seen a water sailorfist warlock since darksea update

I’ve seen one who just focus on underwater based combat. Straight up Fishman Build. On land he was so so, But he was a monster underwater since his attacks blended in and he put so much in swim speed that it was just a pain to keep up with.

But then again, hat on a hat.

What’s yalls thoughts on glass conjurer

thats just the british build

any thoughts on wood poision mage

Explain the logic

so basically you use wood to bleed the opponent while doing heavy damage and disoreinting them then you use poision magic to eat away the rest of their heath

That actually sounds fun…
I might have to make a new file

My main (and only) file is an ash conjurer and it’s pretty decent. Not the worst in terms of damage or speed and has really good size, plus a good bleed synergy.