For me it’s probably the GN’s main bases, a Marineford-esque or Silent Tower type of islands where the Gravy’s most powerful ranks reside. Can’t wait to wreak havoc on explore islands like that.
Also looking forward to seeing islands with absolute crazy weather, like incessant thunderstorms and tornados day and night or even land tsunamis (are these even a thing ). Just some stuff I’d find cool, how about you guys
I don’t know why but I just feel that currently I’m most connected to Frostmill. It’s just the frozen island feel with snow and the scenery is what makes me most excited for it!
Personally I’d like an island that acted as a memorial to the fallen of whatever faction owned it, like the Grand Navy. Something like the Hill of Swords from Berserk but spread across an entire island.
Or who knows maybe a boss, an undefeated warrior, waits there. Every time he defeated a challenger he’d plunge the weapon of that combatant into the ground as a tombstone of sorts. Idk. Don’t got all the details planned, would just like to see something like this