Whats Your End Goal/Achievement For AO?

apocalypse bringer gives you the insanity even before you obtain it because of the years of waiting for it to be released + grinding to get it

You can just go on any site that does it for you it’s not special also it’s not cool it makes you look like a lazy slob

said the guy who’s PFP is literally 4 shapes

Says the SpongeBob pfp wowie!!!

okay mr “I like making fun of peoples divorces haha”

I didn’t mean that like that I meant your behaviour and it’s common in my vocabulary and I must have taken it too far I don’t remember. Also 3 new topics a day is actually annoying

no shit buddy

reach 60 fps reliably


End the storyline
try to get the weapons and fighting styles i’d like
try to get to the end of the dark seas

virgin wearing a christmas pfp because its sentimental vs the chad wearing a christmas pfp because i dont really care or feel like changing it

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but we can both agree we like Christmas pfp

Probably max out 3 slots, each with a unique build. Also max out a ship. Alongside that, maybe collect every single rare armor set and weapon? Other than that, I guess just PvP and guild stuff.

find cheesy tactics and “tech” and abuse them until they get nerfed/patched preferably

my endgoal is gonna be managing to quit the game

You couldn’t wait
more than one

ngl there are a lot of other people who spam topics nowadays I think associating me with that is unfair.

I make a lot less topics than I did back in the day

gonna summarise in a good 3 letters fun i just want something to stop my endless boredom


Be good at the game

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Idk what my end goal is. But whatever it is after I have achive such thing Ill probly just stare into the sun and never play again.

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Probably finish the storyline,explore all the islands,find a magic and weapon build that suits me. Honestly hard to predict when the game hasn’t come out yet but mostly those three for now.