Which build is better?

Going for a massive warding gimmick here don’t question why and I refuse to go below 5 warding or 200 on atk spd or agility

Build 1:

Build 2:

  • Build 1
  • Build 2
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Build 2, at least you have power

in terms of dark sea busting build 1, in terms of anything else, make a new build


Build one, the build really only focuses on high level up attack speed, agility, warding, and defense.

21+ more power in scarifice for the type of build you’re going for, kinda ruins the idea of it honestly + it doesn’t change as much.

Though it would be needed for nimbus because attack speed going zz.

but the defense to power ratio is better in build 2 as opposed to having no power at all

ye atk speed getting hit with huge nerf

-30 attack speed


i’m choosing build 3

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