Which forum stuff can be turned into a drinking game?

bnt you arent 18

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I’m aware

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the forums itself is a contest to see which person is the drunkest


Take a shot each time someone replies to your topic

just take a shot

“Take a shot every time Retribution says the dumbest shit you’ve ever heard”
“Take a shot every time the forums get horny over one drawing”
“Take a shot of pure fucking methanol every time the forums unleash their virginity over a drawing of a woman”
And finally, for the certain death rounds (Besides the methanol one)

“Three shots every time a troll tries to revive the forums”
“Take a revolver shot every fucking time someone calls a person “down bad” over just calling something cute.”


“Take a shot everytime Ultimate is online on the forums, but doesn’t post a thing”
“Take a shot everytime a person says ‘skill issue’ or ‘gg ez’, take two if they say both”

“Take a shot every time somebody draws femtex”
“Take a shot every time somebody mentions funny water magic”

"Take a shot every time somebody talks skill issue (provably gonna happen to me when i get banned for mention the forgotten magic’


take a shot every time a post gets closed


take a shot every time bnt posts morden


to make it even harder you’ll have to comb through the Discords that are related to the forums for obscure references
There’s a gold mine in there

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take a shot every time i/you like something

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take a shot every time i post despite saying i’m going to leave

Take a shot every time Vetex’s image gets further corrupted.

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Take a shot for every day AO is not released.

Take a shot every time someone gender bends a fictional character.

Take a shot every time I say “indeed”

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well damn, I’m sober.

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“Take 3 shots everytime you get horny with ANY, piece of art…” How does that seem to you people?

i’d die