three shots now.
3 shots
we’re getting better
but i’ll say it’d take at least 10
“take a shot for everytime someone complains about tgr”
“take a shot for every new banned forum member”
“take a shot for everytime i say the word poison”
exactly the point heuheu.
Wouldn’t last probably.
take a shot every time someone posts on a forum ‘the thread’ topic
New one, as a reply to my old one. “Every time Mako says “He”, “He”, or “Hehe”, everyone in that topic takes a shot.”
More wins, yay!
Which, however means more deaths…
Great. Everyone in this topic is either in a comma, has been poisoned, died, or is heavily drunk. You are the biggest winner of this topic. I mean, that depends on how long it lasts, but still.
take a shot every time somebody says “take a shot”, forum or otherwise
Take a shot everytime everyone makes a post about a new ao leak
Also I’ve been called down bad so many times for that bruh
Exactly my point. It’s fucking stupid.
Don’t drink alcohol in general how about that
take a shot every time someone makes a really edgy guild recruitment post
Being responsible? No way
no fuck you
i’m going to snort cocaine just to spite you
Asexuals are the ultimate life form then
As an Asexual I agree