Which forum stuff can be turned into a drinking game?

Add an extra shot for each time if the topic isn’t even about tigerbaby

Take a shot everytime broly posts deleto blue

That’s not a drinking game that’s just flat out suicide


Take a shot every time there’s an argument

level litteraly kills himself

Take a shot every hour I’m not online

Take a shot every time I say something unfathomably stupid and then regret it at 3 AM

Take 2 shots every time a guild leader is exposed and canceled

Take a shot every time I get caught between the crossfire of two raging arguers

Take a shot every time somebody exposes a guild leader on the forums.

take two shots every time someone necros a post



Connor(not criminal but bad), Jasono17, Joshibba, Doge King

Rest have done criminal acts

take a shot every time a pedophile interacts with the world of magic community

I’m upping the challenge with pure ethanol. And now I’m dead.

Take a shot everytime someone is probably ending up on at least one watchlist

Actually, I think this counts as suicide

says a lot that i had to ban 2 pedophiles from my guild last year when wom was active :skull:

Yall are looking at the guild leaders being pedophiles, but i swear to god the Pedo to normal people ratio is like 1:20… remarkably high

I swear WoM is becoming the Genshin of Roblox

Take a shot everytime a (metaphoric) virgin is found on this forum